Since 2019, FISHOLG has been part of Peru’s Mahi Alliance (PMA): an initiative of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and other national companies in the fishing sector, which aims to achieve Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification of mahi mahi.
To this end, we have been promoting various activities to implement the road map drawn up by the Fishery Improvement Project (FIP), thus achieving:
The creation and approval of the Fishing Management Regulation (Reglamento de Ordenamiento Pesquero – ROP) for mahi mahi, by the Ministry of Production (PRODUCE), which guarantees the sustainability and proper management of this marine species on the Peruvian coast.
The donation of mahi mahi species to the Peruvian Marine Institute (Instituto del Mar Peruano – IMARPE) for the development of studies, such as: updating of closed fishing periods, minimum sizes, etc.
Organization of workshops to raise awareness among local fishermen about the correct release and handling of sea turtles, awarding prizes to the companies and vessels that took part in these workshops.
Publication of a «Responsible Mahi Mahi Sourcing Policy», which contains guidelines that companies must incorporate to ensure that mahi mahi comes from responsible fishing practices.
Although there is still a long way to go to achieve MSC certification, this alliance is being recognized for its efforts on behalf of mahi mahi. One of them has been the recognition of several U.S. importers who, through a letter sent to all WFP members, highlight the achievements and progress that have been made.
Learn more about our participation in one of the workshops organized by WWF in this video: