FISHOLG: reaching new markets

5 de enero de 2022

Due to the sanitary crisis, 2020 meant a new beginning for FISHOLG. After the partial cessation of our activities, the challenge had been met: we had to start operating again with sanitary measures to ensure the health of our workers and the safety of our products.
With great commitment, and through a series of strategies that allowed us to face COVID-19, we were able to continue exporting hydrobiological products, such as pota and mahi mahi, to more than 26 countries: United States, Japan, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Spain, etc. We were even the first Peruvian company in the fishing industry to export to Guadeloupe, in Central America.
This has earned us the recognition of the Peruvian Export and Tourism Promotion Commission (Promoción del Perú para la Exportación y el Turismo – PROMPERÚ) and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo – MINCETUR), which awarded us the «EXPORT ROUTE: NEW MARKET» prize for our outstanding performance in foreign trade and for having managed to reach new countries in the midst of the health crisis.
To learn more about the work we have been doing, you can visit our social networks (adjuntar enlaces de Facebook, Instagram y LinkedIn) and follow us.