FIP Pota: Route to sustainability
For Peru, the giant squid or pota is the second most important fishery, after anchoveta (but occupying the first place in human consumption); and the product that makes it the main exporter worldwide. Therefore, ensuring the conservation and sustainable management of this marine resource is of great importance for our country.
That is why, since 2016, the Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) of the giant squid or pota has been working, aiming at the certification of sustainable fishing of this species.
Five years after starting this FIP, in which FISHOLG has had an active participation, it has managed to move from basic FIP to comprehensive or exhaustive, which means that there has been an advance of almost 40% of the objectives. In addition, another great achievement is the formation of the Peruvian Chamber of Giant Squid (Cámara Peruana de Calamar Gigante – CAPECAL), formed by a group of companies that manage this program to promote progress to achieve MSC certification of giant squid or squid in 2023.